CS Construction
3635 N. Hastings Way Ste 3 | EAU CLAIRE, WI 54703
Ubicaciones del proyecto
Calificación total (157)
Todas las reseñas con comentarios 5
Reseñas con comentarios²
Se muestran las reseñas con comentarios recientes
Roof looks great!
The yard was left neat and clean
Overall it was well done. For some reason I received lien letters from one of the materials companies.
Not likely to recommend. poor communication on the project, except for payments
Overall they were excellent to work with - but there was one glaring and expensive exception. I will have to bring up the unresolved problem whenever people ask who did our work . See question #15 below for details.
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Se muestran 5 reseñas de Owens Corning Roofing con comentarios.
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