RoofTek LLC
4080 S West Temple Suite A | Salt Lake City, UT 84107
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Calificación total (696)
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1st issue was a $5000 miss understanding on the gutter replacement. We wouldn't have replaced the gutters if it would have been communicated better. 2nd issue was that the weather caused the project to go over several days, but they didn't clean up the nails very well between days. We found several nails in the driveway after they left for the day and even after we cleaned up I still got a nail in my motorcycle tire. 3rd issue is that I have had several calls about making the final payment, but nobody had visited to make sure the work was done right. After complaining about the gutters, they don't care about the customer or the work. I hope I don't need to use the warranty because I don't trust that they will help.
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