Duffield Home Improvements
4566 NW 5th Blvd Ste I | Gainesville, FL 32609
Ubicaciones del proyecto
Calificación total (85)
Todas las reseñas con comentarios 5
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Se muestran las reseñas con comentarios recientes
Highly recommend Duffield for your Roofing Needs, they handled everything from start to finish, permitting , inspections , materials order and delivery , as said Highly Recommend!!!!!
The Duffield group was responsive, easy to work with, and added a feature I did not expect (flat roof taper)
I am very satisfied.
Did a good job
Patience, courtesy, along with professional competency in explaining what needed to be done and the choice materials to be used were critical in our choice of Duffield Home Improvements to replace our roof.
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Se muestran 5 reseñas de Owens Corning Roofing con comentarios.
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